Sunday, November 1, 2015

Return to Darkness

I received the gift of an extra four hours today. One from the time change, the rest from getting off work three hours early.  (I have an awesome boss.)

I took Rupee for a walk, attempted some vacuuming, emptied and re-loaded the dishwasher and ran a load of laundry for the second time because it hung out wet in the washing machine one day too long.  Oops.  But the best thing I did with my bonus time was sit with a friend over tea for a couple hours.  We processed a lot. I listened a lot. I didn’t have a lot of answers.  I’m pretty sure that wasn’t the point.

I heard many bemoan the return to darkness today.  I’m the oddball.  I love the dark.  I have a fantasy about living by the light cycles and not using electricity - this includes taking showers in the dark. TMI, maybe. That fantasy ends abruptly when it comes to actually hauling wood, sweeping ashes and pounding my clothes clean with salt water and rocks - but it did prompt me to buy a dozen kerosene lanterns a couple years ago.  I have one lit now.  In its warm glow I’ve watched a furious sea and an exceptional high tide fade to black and, at six pm, am feeling delightfully sleepy.

 I like this photo of my lantern and computer.  It seems to be about the right balance of old and new. 

The wheel has turned and we are solidly into fall. I wait all year for this. I’m feeling content in my little spot by the sea today and I wish the same for you wherever you are.

P.S. I have eleven lanterns to spare if anybody wants one