Friday, December 31, 2021

wonder · 1 : something or someone that is very surprising, beautiful, amazing, etc.

New Year’s Eve, 2021.

Chance took me across the Astoria Megler Bridge today -

a route rarely taken.

I reacquainted myself with wonder.

How often are the mountains to the north covered in snow?

How often does the sea actually splash onto the highway in Washington?

How often does an eagle soar right across my path?

Cranberry bogs? A first for me! 

Soaring geese . . .

their V-formations always catch my breath.

I used to notice these things . . .

capture the wonder in word.

How long has it been since I felt 


A treacherous election . . .

a pandemic . . .

the death of a close friend . . .

My wonder was nearly exterminated.

But today as I crossed that bridge

I thought to myself -

to all the bad things -

‘God dammit, you can’t have my wonder. I’m taking it back.’

Happy New Year, 2022.

Let there be wonder.

PS. Not my photo. Sourced from google with no credit to original photographer.