Wednesday, August 7, 2013

It Wasn't Us (or Sympathy For My Ex's Exes)

This is a slight change of pace. It may appear there's no direct "Sea" reference.  I would argue that any sure knowledge, any knowing, for me, will stem from time spent connecting to source - the sea. 
For every woman who's ever gotten in line . . . 
and for every man who eventually looks up in surprise to find nobody there.
they just get lovelier
each consecutive one
eyes sparklier,
smile brighter
with each new one I wonder
where was the . . .
(chocolate cake, hand on the small of the back, lingering gaze, flirty whisper)
when I was there?
and then the eyes and the smile change
(a knowing)
 and then the eyes and the smile CHANGE
(a going)
and I realized I, too, sparkled and was bright
I was simply the first in the sparkly, bright line
and the liberating truth is that
none of us was ever anything less than sparkly and bright
it. wasn’t. us.